Avengers: Infinity War is the
nineteenth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the third
installment of The Avengers trilogy, but not the last. After so much
time has passed, waiting for his children to bring the Infinity Stones to him,
Thanos the Mad Titan decides to take things into his own hands and go after the
stones himself. The only ones standing in his way of some of those stones are
the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, and a fight for the fate of the
universe is now in play.
When the first Avengers movie
directed by Joss Whedon came out, I wasn’t really too impressed. I mean, I
enjoyed it, but I felt like I was getting more of the same action and story,
with some funny banter thrown in. Same thing with Age of Ultron, which
did it again, except bigger and more foreshadow heavy...but Ultron was a rushed
villain. I know people tend to praise these movies, or at least the first one,
like they’re the best superhero movies made, but when you’re looking at it from
the perspective of someone who didn’t grow up on reading comics, it felt lacking. Heck, some of the films in the MCU’s phase 2, especially the first Guardians
of the Galaxy, felt more exciting than The Avengers.
Now with Infinity War, the Russo Brothers really put their
skills to their absolute limit to deliver their TRUE Avengers movie. I
felt like I got exactly what I was looking for; that sense of dread, that
desperation for back-up wherever you can find it, the weight and gravity that
rests on each one of characters fighting. In other words, this is first time I
felt like I was watching a superhero epic. And while you do need knowledge of previous
films to truly get this movie, the way the execute exposition is still handled
in a manner that doesn’t feel distracting. The action scenes, only get more
intense as the battle rages on, and I was surprised at how much this film made
me go “Oh my God!” several times out loud. That’s how a movie is supposed to
get you.
This movie has a massive cast attached to it, and just about
everyone of them gets a chance to shine. While most of these interactions are played up for laughs, I get why they did this, considering they're not the main focus of the film, which is Thanos. Ever since he was forshadowed in The
Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, especially with Gamora as his
daughter, you get to know a lot more about the father-daughter relationship
that Gamora and Thanos have with each other, and the scene of him describing
his home before, are both beautiful and fascinating. While he is a man wanting
genocide, he emphasises it’s better than the option of extinction. I didn’t
think Marvel was going to give a better villain than Killmonger, but Thanos is
a big tie-breaker, and after being announced as this character since 2014, Josh
Brolin is clearly relishing in every second and giving it the best it needs.
You could even argue, this is the Thanos solo movie, and the villains are the
Avengers getting in his way; in other words, this is a villain’s movie
(suck it, DC).
I also have to give this movie credit for its ending, because it
did what I thought no superhero movie, or any movie that isn’t horror or
thriller. Yes, I know they’re going to recton it somehow in Captain Marvel
and Avengers 4, but think about this: what if they didn’t announce
anything after this, and Infinity War was the real final movie? Think of
how impactful that must be, to have all of that build up, and what they deliver...not many people can
get away with, but Marvel managed to pull it off.
In conclusion, Avengers: Infinity War ended up being
everything I had been asking for since 2012, and it truly delivered. I was
deeply surprised, and I applaud this movie for having done what it did. It’s an
epic that will define a generation of comic book movie goers, better than any
other that tried to top it. Is it my favorite? Probably not. In the Top 5? Oh
hell yeah. And much like what I said in my review for the first Avengers
movie, “I’d say go see it, but you probably already have.”