Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Man on a Ledge

When it comes to the modern day action star, Sam Worthington is one of those who actually does a failry decent job. Even with films like "Avatar," and "Clash of the Titans," he's still a good actor. It just depends on the right role in the right movie. Thankfully, earlier in the year he starred in the film, "Man on a Ledge."

The film tells the story of Nick Cassidy, an ex-cop who was sent to jail after being framed for stealing the monach gem from David Englander. When he escapes, he goes to New York City and stands on a ledge of a building, which turns out to be a distraction while his brother and brother's girlfriend try to steal the monach gem from David, to prove he's innocent. What really astounds me, is that this film is more than what it seems. It's very clever at parts, leaving you on the edge of your seat, and really keeps you wondering what will happen next.

Sam Worthington as Nick Cassidy does a great job as always, and it's really good to know that he's got a good role in a good movie. He's clever, has a very well thought out plan, and it's very believable. Elizabeth Banks plays Lydia Mercer, who is the detective that is trying to reason with. I really enjoyed her performance in the film, and the way her character is structures is actually quite impressive. I also enjoyed the performances by Jamie Bell and Genesis Rodriguez, who are also both really great to watch. The chemestry between the two as well as scenes where they work off each other is quite stunning. I really hope to see both of them in the future. Ed Harris as David Englander was a bit cliche on parts, but it's done in the right way. His reactions and timing were done so perfectly, that it shows that one actor can do so much with a stereotype. Anthony Mackie as Nick's old partner Mike, and he was genuinely good, though I wished they showed he and Nick working together when he was a cop.

The heist scenes were pretty entertaining, and the dialogue was delievered pretty well. I found much about the film to be entertaining on many parts, though some scenes can be a bit pretentious, but I won't spoil them. The film was directed by Asger Leth, and this is his first film, so I can see some aspects of that. I also found it kind of shocking how he ACTUALLY had Sam Worthington on the ledge of a building, instead of green screen, so props for that.

Overall, "Man on a Ledge" is a pretty underrated film, and I think it deserves more than it got. It's entertaining, it's well thought out, it really knows what it's doing, and I found it a great film to watch. If you get the chance, check it out.

Rating: 9/10

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